Andrew Basden
Jeremy Begbie
Wendell Berry
W Rance Darity
James Jordan
Brian McLaren
John Patrick
Eugene Peterson
Kim Stanley Robinson
Read Mercer Schuchardt
E F Schumacher
Neil Vaney
Brian J Walsh
N T Wright
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I thought the same thing today.
Is the answer that Brian McLaren is out of alphabetical order? Matt, I recommend the new Beta Band album – Heroes to Zeroes to you fully. It will be a good addition to influences on your opinion forming centre.
Eek! Cheers, fixed.
Mwhaha. I’ll check it oot.
How much to get my name on that list?
Has something gone weird with my server? Because I swear I saw this post, and its comments, three months ago… have I been time-travelling again? Dang. I knew my superpowers would come back to haunt me.
I jus added another name, isall.
…speaking of Schumachers, old Mikey had a pretty ill run in the Chinese Grand Prix.
refer comment 5