Matthew Henry John Bartlett

+64 27 211 3455
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Tuesday 14 November, 02006

by Matthew Bartlett @ 8:24 am

EVENT: Fernanda y Rafael de Cuba are giving a salsa performance 10pm Saturday at the St James Jimmy Bar

EVENT: Public lecture by Chris Marshall, 7pm Thursday 30 November at St John’s. Blurb: “One of the most troubling features of the Bible is the extent to which it implicates God in horrific violence. Christians have long found it difficult to reconcile this with the example of Jesus. This lecture looks to the apostle Paul for help in thinking through this important problem.”

good optical illusion [via digg]

Robert Fisk on justice, hypocrisy and Saddam [via Bel]

7 responses to “”

  1. Joel W says:

    I’d love to hear about this lecture – please follow up on it if you can.

  2. Matthew says:

    Shall attempt to get the text or audio of it.

  3. richf says:

    What time is the lecture?

  4. Matthew says:

    Sorry/thanks Rich, updated.

  5. dennisbartlett says:

    Does FISK always sound so grumpy?

  6. Sambo says:

    Kek. Those are all the Jedi lego. Awesome.

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