Tomorrow I travel further than I have yet travelled.
Flat with us, why not? $130/wk big sunny happy Newtown room, kids & oldies at a loose end welcome
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EVENT The last of this semester’s Christian Mind series is on at 5.30pm today at Ramsey House 8 Kelburn Parade. It’s about Hell – indispensable doctrine at the core of orthodoxy, relic of the medievals, or something else? Perhaps some glorious third way is possible! The mighty Chris Marshall and the mighty Katharine Macaan will be resource persons. Also, the movie Divine Intervention is on at Ramsey tomorrow night.
This creation debate hangs on our differing ideas of what the Bible is. I think the Bible is a holy wrinkle in the bloodstained cloth of the world.
There’s Abraham right. He’s the key. It’s Israel’s history. It’s all about Israel, what’s it here for? That first stuff in Genesis is the prolog, setting the scene, who is this god who calls? It’s working over stuff that maybe everyone knew, shaping it to make a point, to make some amazing points: the heavens are empty of deities save one, and humanity is not his slave or accidental effluvium but his deputy and a high point, and ordinary men and women all share in that, an identity independant of membership in a mighty human king; and the world is not the chaotic product of war, but good.
EVENT The Third Man, 7pm Wednesday, 8 Kelburn Parade
A man with good (my) music taste buys a hat
Our nice house is looking for one more person
Why Kunstler et al are pissing into the wind (warning: commie alert)
Kunstler is coming to Auckland in August
Carbon Dioxide: They call it pollution, we call it life [via Isaac]
EVENT #4 in the current Christian Mind seminar series is on tonight at 5.30pm, at Ramsey House, 8 Kelburn Parade. Tim McKenzie & James King will talk about Creation, and try and find a third way between fundamentalism and liberalism.
Kunstler lo-fi video series on oil & the future [5× ~2MB WMV & QT]
… which makes me think perhaps this industrial story he talks about is the key one that the Israel/Jesus/Church story has to butt heads with. Like, it’s not about philosophy or religious experience.