Matthew Henry John Bartlett

+64 27 211 3455
email me

Monday 06 July, 02009

2020 emissions target consultation meeting

by Matthew Bartlett @ 10:26 pm

First impressions report: Great meeting. Enthusiastic participation from heaps of speakers. There was a disconnect between the audience who appeared to overwhelmingly support a 40% emissions cut by 2020 (a la signon), and Nick Smith, who in response to a useful question from D (why can’t we have some shorter-term goals, say 2% per year?), said it will be hard enough to stop NZ emissions from further rising, let alone achieving the required substantial cuts. Smith wanted us to truthfully present to people what 40% would mean for our society. It’s not a tweak; it’s a shake-up. What’s needed now, I think, is some visioning (ick — for want of a better word): some sketching out of pathways to a low-carbon future. What do agriculture, transport and electricity generation look like in a 40%-reduced-CO2e NZ? Also needed is of course leadership at all levels, from John Key down. On the way home Eliza talked about Key’s needing to give some World War II-esq speeches — this is a massive challenge, we will need to pull together, sacrifice our comforts for a noble cause, etc. I admit that is hard to imagine. Here is what was on John Key’s mind this past week (the weather, sporting events, a feel-good trip around the Pacific):

More on this from Tim Jones.

Tuesday 11 November, 02008

He sounds like our Green Party

by Matthew Bartlett @ 2:40 pm

Obama! Obama! said:

There is no better potential driver that pervades all aspects of our economy than a new energy economy. I was just reading an article in the New York Times by Michael Pollen about food and the fact that our entire agricultural system is built on cheap oil. As a consequence, our agriculture sector actually is contributing more greenhouse gases than our transportation sector. And in the mean time, it’s creating monocultures that are vulnerable to national security threats, are now vulnerable to sky-high food prices or crashes in food prices, huge swings in commodity prices, and are partly responsible for the explosion in our healthcare costs because they’re contributing to type 2 diabetes, stroke and heart disease, obesity, all the things that are driving our huge explosion in healthcare costs. That’s just one sector of the economy. You think about the same thing is true on transportation. The same thing is true on how we construct our buildings. The same is true across the board.

[via TreeHugger]

Wednesday 08 October, 02008

Give It Up hits the big time

by Matthew Bartlett @ 7:00 am

Maxim Institute on Give It Up
… and in the Herald, and on Radio NZ news [streaming audio; I start around 13 minutes in. “Matthew Bartlett says he hopes that discussions over tax cuts won’t dominate the election” – ha! brilliant]

Monday 15 September, 02008

Ends in mid-sentence

by Matthew Bartlett @ 9:55 am


Monday 31 March, 02008

Give way

by Matthew Bartlett @ 9:02 am

Eye of the Fish reports on the Housing Policy Forum
The demise of newspapers and democracy [via /.]
AK47 infomercial [yt vid, via Rob]
Fat and politics
NRT on the kingmaker debate

Monday 10 March, 02008

Like Greg Egan

by Matthew Bartlett @ 7:41 am

home-made island [via Webstruxure]
President Bush says yes to torture
environmentalism upgraded
teh cute cat theory of digital activism

My old flatmate Bryan is playing at Bar Bodega this coming Saturday with his band Nullity, supporting Chris Matthews of Headless Chickens fame.

Monday 21 January, 02008

Rough lines

by Matthew Bartlett @ 8:34 am

Canada apologises for telling the truth
Israel works diligently to destroy Palestinian society
US economy looking ill (maybe it needs to fall over if increased consumer spending is current hope of the nation)
Arsehole New York bankers receive only $180k bonuses this year
<200-word design messages spexial giveaway! One pair new red size 8 high top No Sweat (chucks rip-off) sneakers (courtesy one Eliza Jane Avery). Sing out if you’d like them.

Monday 17 December, 02007


by Matthew Bartlett @ 1:47 pm

Birthday drinks at my place from 8pm tonight.

Docos recommended by Kevin Kelly

Sunday 07 October, 02007

by Matthew Bartlett @ 9:25 am

The weather is inclement; come to our house for picnic instead.

Wednesday 03 October, 02007

by Matthew Bartlett @ 9:31 am

If the weather is clement we will have a picnic this Sunday at noon in the Botanic Gardens, say in the Dell, a happy little fairtheewell, before I travel further than I have travelled. You are most welcome to join us.

Our house is looking for a new housemate

Tuesday 28 August, 02007

by Matthew Bartlett @ 8:30 am

Koinonia Fund is an ethically-invested Kiwisaver fund for Christians
Daniel McClelland is playing Friday after next at Sub Nine

Well, I didn’t write any letters yesterday, but I did visit ANZ Lambton Quay today, and I brought along a printout of the Greens’ petition. I said I was considering following the Greens’ advice and quitting ANZ unless they quit investment in evil logging companies. The receptionist didn’t appear at first to have heard about the issue, but when I explained further said “we’ve been told that ANZ don’t have anything to do with them”, but that she didn’t know anything more than that. I asked her if there was anyone around who did know and she went away for ten minutes but couldn’t find anyone. I’m not sure what she was doing for the ten minutes, but I’d like to think that this is at least now on the radar of a bunch of people down there. Someone is going to give me a ring “to answer any further queries you may have”. So that’s nice.

Monday 27 August, 02007

Black flowers blossom

by Matthew Bartlett @ 11:16 am
“Discipleship as craft, church as disciplined community” by Stanley Hauerwas

Jonathan Boston showed us this more or less terrifying image during his presentation on Saturday. The white area is the extent of sea ice over the Arctic as at Tuesday last week. The pink line shows where the ice usually is at at this time of year (or more accurately, the median extent for Augusts from 1979–2000):

A poster I designed, in collaboration with Kathy, Esha and Erin:

Tuesday 21 August, 02007

Have you ever seen an idealist with grey hairs on his head?

by Matthew Bartlett @ 2:06 pm

EVENT: Jesus wants you to register for the Next Wave conference this Fri/Sat

Monday 20 August, 02007

A million engines in neutral

by Matthew Bartlett @ 1:44 pm

Greens protest ANZ (my bank) over its support of rainforest logging
Consider pledging to close accounts with ANZ & National if they don’t quit it

Says Stanley Hauerwas in a recent podcast:

If you want to understand the Scripture, go find your worst enemy, and try and figure out what it would meant to forgive them. then you will be in a position to start reading the New Testament. You won’t get it from ‘the text’, you’ve got to be part of a community of forgiveness to even know what it would mean to understand this text as Scripture.

Tuesday 31 July, 02007

by Matthew Bartlett @ 10:07 am

Hallelujah because T & M are safe & well again.