Matthew Henry John Bartlett

+64 27 211 3455
email me

Wednesday 26 September, 02007

Love your Inuit neighbour as yourself

by Matthew Bartlett @ 3:34 pm

Guardian somewhat impressed with NZ’s climate change response [via Rob]

You may be interested to learn that another 900,000 km2 of ice melted since last time I mentioned it a month ago. For comparison, New Zealand is about 270,000 km2. The ice cover got down to 4.1 million km2, and seems to have reached its minimum for the season, and has broken the previous record minimum by 1.2 million km2.

Arctic ice extent at 16 Sept 2007 (left), and the previous minimum – 21 Sept 2005 (right)

What can you do? Steve Hatfield Dodds suggests writing to your MP or city councillor to let them know climate change is important to you. 42collective have eighty other suggestions.

Tuesday 25 September, 02007

by Matthew Bartlett @ 10:08 am

I haven’t forgotten about the boycott ANZ/National banks business. I’m waiting for the Greens to reply to me about whether the banks are still bad. Their campaign website is getting stale.

David Farrar‘s short notes on the Wellington Council election candidates

Saturday 22 September, 02007

by Matthew Bartlett @ 4:06 pm

I’m looking for a Super-8 projector to borrow for a short time.

Friday 21 September, 02007

by Matthew Bartlett @ 9:30 am

We’re still looking for a housemate or two
Evil, caring and mental health

I’ve bought my tickets for Frankfurt.

Monday 17 September, 02007

by Matthew Bartlett @ 9:40 pm

Seamus Heaney’s poem “The Republic of Conscience”, composed for Amnesty International

Saturday 15 September, 02007

The end of war

by Matthew Bartlett @ 4:05 pm

Tertullian, around AD200, said: “The Lord in disarming Peter henceforth disarms every soldier” (from Stanley Hauerwas and Enda McDonagh, “Abolishing War? An Appeal to Christian Leaders and Theologians”).

Thursday 13 September, 02007

by Matthew Bartlett @ 11:10 am

Discovering mum’s right about religion: priceless [via Rob]

Tuesday 11 September, 02007

Call to arms

by Matthew Bartlett @ 8:55 pm

I lay out Pacific Ecologist magazine for the Pacific Institute of Resource Management. The next issue is due to be done in October. I’m probably not going to able to finish before going overseas. Do you know anyone with InDesign skills who might help us out? It’s not a volunteer job, but it will be at a discount rate.

Monday 10 September, 02007

by Matthew Bartlett @ 10:29 am

Freecycling facilitates frugality
Human FM gets some podcasts up

Thursday 06 September, 02007

by Matthew Bartlett @ 1:53 pm

Today I learnt that the United Nations Security Council (members: United States, Russia, Great Britain, France and China) supplied 86.7% of the world’s arms (guns not limbs) in 2004. I also learnt that between 1998 and 2001, the US, Great Britain and France earned more from selling arms than they gave in aid. I’m not sure what to do with these wonderful learnings. (Source: Richard F Grimmett, “CRS Report for Congress: Conventional Arms Transfers to Developing Nations, 1997–2004”, via Hope in Troubled Times by Bob Goudzwaard et al)

Wednesday 05 September, 02007

by Matthew Bartlett @ 10:29 am

We’re looking for a housemate or two
pilgrimage to Eastern Orthodoxy and pacifism

Said Wendell Berry in What are People For?:

The natural or normal course of human growing up must begin with some sort of rebellion against one’s parents, for it is clearly impossible to grow up if one remains a child. But the child, in the process of rebellion and of achieving the emotional and economic independence that rebellion ought to lead to, finally comes to understand the parents as fellow humans and fellow sufferers, and in some manner returns to them as their friend, forgiven and forgiving the inevitable wrongs of family life. That is the old norm.
   The new norm, according to which the child leaves home as a student and never lives at home again, interrupts the old course of coming of age at the point of rebellion, so that the child is apt to remain stalled in adolescence, never achieving any kind of reconciliation or friendship with the parents. Of course, such a return and reconciliation cannot be achieved without the recognition of mutual practical need. In the present economy, however, where individual dependences are so much exterior to both household and community, family members often have no practical need or use for one another. Hence the frequent futility of attempts at a purely psychological or emotional reconciliation.

Tuesday 04 September, 02007

by Matthew Bartlett @ 8:58 am

proximate justice for Christians in ‘politics’

Monday 03 September, 02007

by Matthew Bartlett @ 9:46 am

Hoyts make Dom Post
Russell Norman on the ANZ/deforestation bizo [YT vid, feat Rob A]

From a discussion panel with Richard Hays, Richard Stubbing and Stanley Hauerwas [60MB mp3], here are Richard Hays’ three sets of three questions around the topic of How does scripture inform how we think about politics in a situation very different from that of the NT Christians?

Questions for evaluating those who govern or seek to govern

  • Are they in fact punishing evildoers?
  • Are they defending the poor and weak, or are they siding with the wealthy and powerful?
  • Are they acknowledging their limits as God’s instruments who are subject to God’s judgement, or are they claiming an authority that does not properly belong to them?

Questions we often do ask but for which there is no basis in the NT

  • Are these rulers promoting our economic self-interest?
  • Are they fostering our national security?
  • Are they living exemplary personal lives?

Questions we should ask ourselves

  • To what extent are our political leanings and commitments motivated by self-interest?
  • Are we living sacrificially for the sake of others?
  • Are we (the church) living as a visible alternative community? How is God’s kingdom being made manifest in us in such a way that the world can see that this is a community that is living in expectation of God’s coming order of justice peace and righteousness?

Saturday 01 September, 02007


by Matthew Bartlett @ 2:07 pm

A brochure about how you can support Human FM & Joel Carpenter

In other news, I hear tell Tool are coming to town. Does anyone have any details about this?