Matthew Henry John Bartlett

+64 27 211 3455
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Wednesday 15 November, 02006

Abducted by Anglicans

by Matthew Bartlett @ 9:39 pm

The kingdom of heaven may be compared to open source software. Consider freeing yourself from Microsoft’s shackles:


More on Malachi Ritscher [via Lynton]

7 responses to “Abducted by Anglicans”

  1. Kingdom of Heaven’s Director’s Cut is superb. It’s not really like anything Open Source though. Please explain the comparison.

  2. Richard D. Bartlett says:

    If memory serves correctly, Matt doesn’t really explain his statements. Though, this example may be an exception, as it is not written in all-caps.

  3. Daniel B. McClelland says:

    And, actually, the bulk of it is in black, not blue. Which is commendable

  4. david says:

    I have openoffice AND msoffice. Do I win a prize?

  5. Timbo says:

    Are you for real, Daniel B McClelland in saying that the ‘Kingdom of heaven’ director’s cut is good?

  6. Yup, actually. It is such an improvement that it’s just not funny. Honestly. It’s a must-see.

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