of the year
song A Perfect Circle/Gravity
album Gillian Welch/Revival
books John Howard Yoder/The Politics of Jesus, Kim Stanley Robinson/Antarctica and 50 Degrees Below, Lovins & Hawkens/Natural Capitalism, Marylinne Robinson/Housekeeping, Alasdair Macintyre/After Virtue, GK Chesterton/St Francis, Kurt Vonnegut/Cat’s Cradle, The Hauerwas Reader
movies Batman Begins, Children of Men, them Linklater ones
lectures most at longnow.org
thinkers Hauerwas, Dan Janzen, Stephen Lansing
highlights Living with Europe (Beranger, Elodie, Tors), leaving the country for the first time, producing Sea Devil, fuelsaver.govt.nz, The Life of Christ by Chinese Artists, St Francis, Blah blah blah nights, Whakapapa with Simon, longboards w/Si & Rich in Perth, Flinn reception, new old bike, that lady (!)
lowlights Well, I’d rather walk everyday through hills and trees down to town and see the sea through said trees, and it’d be nice if my three best boys still lived in Wellingtown, and to have a steelier will and to be at all times a radiant peace-beast, but you know I remain thankful for 9 out of 10 of the passing moments, and it’s an adventure that continues to exceed expectations (or would if I had some), and on the whole, universe, Jesus, your beat is correct.
have I missed something?
14 responses to “of the year”
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sibling ________?
Batman Begins???
I highly recommend to all your esteemed bloggers the movie
Sophie Scholl a truly great Christian woman and my vote for movie of the year.
the linklater films?
Tim, Batman Begins ruled. Never, ever, diss that film when you’re gonna ask people “do you have my Troy or Shrek DVD?”
“A” – Fast Food Nation and A Scanner Darkly. Both over-hyped in my opinion, but rewarding in their own ways.
My ownership of Troy and Shrek was never meant to be taken as praise of either movie. By the way, Flat 4b can stop looking for Troy every night because I found it. Shrek is still at large.
Hmmm… on movies or films, I will probably remember ‘V is for Vendetta’, ‘Tsotsi’ and ‘The White Masai’.
blog posts of the year?
I dunno, Daniel – suggestions?
New book by Stanley Hauerwas:
Yep, you missed doing the compulsory food services review, i.e. best coffee, best lunch, which is your favourite of the six billion malaysian places, where are you most likely to be found consuming a tasty beverage and SO FORTH… :)
Also, do you have a poem of 2007?? a fave artwork or image?
PS I just realised we only met this year!! Craazy :D
You would be the best of Matthews for me for 2006.
Definitely in top three, anyways.
PPS obv I meant “2006” up there too. Am getting a little ahead of myself!
I haven’t interacted with you much, but I’d think you definitely succeeded in being a ‘radiant peace beast’.
Bel, what I missed we can cover on The Trip