Matthew Henry John Bartlett

+64 27 211 3455
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Monday 23 July, 02007

by Matthew Bartlett @ 10:53 am

SilverStripe is hiring

7 responses to “”

  1. bryan says:

    their CMS is a dog.

  2. Richard D. Bartlett says:

    In this forum, Byran, were I to say “their CMS is awesome” (and I believe it is), I don’t think I would need to explain myself.

    The contrary position, however, requires some backup.

  3. bryan says:

    really? oh well. we got asked to host one of their older versions, and on a server normally used to handling 40 or so websites, including our own php based cms, it took most of the server resources and ran really slow, crippling any other site on the box. Maybe they’ve fixed it or optimised their php code now, I don’t know. Just an observation.

  4. bryan says:

    I take it there is some vested interest here for a comment like that to be made.

  5. Richard D. Bartlett says:

    No vested interest as such: I used it and liked it a great deal. I haven’t seen any other open source CMS come anywhere close to its awesomeness.

  6. Ben Hoyt says:

    I know “everyone” calls them CMSs, but I must say I agree with Prophet Stallman about the term:

    The term “content management” takes the prize for vacuity. Neither word has any specific meaning; “content” means “some sort of information”, and “management” in this context means “doing something with it”. So a “content management system” is a system for doing something to some sort of information. In most cases, that term really refers to a system for updating a website. For that, we recommend the term “website revision system” (WRS).

    See also:

  7. Ben Hoyt says:

    BTW, my comment above was just a darken-the-mood tangent. :-) No particular relevance to the discussion above, except the term CMS.

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