Matthew Henry John Bartlett

+64 27 211 3455
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Tuesday 11 April, 02006

Just before

by Matthew Bartlett @ 12:49 am

My sister is getting better quickly. I miss Malboro red softpacks tonight, or Lucky Strikes. I did my tax tonight (two kinds, one to go), and learned a bit about depreciation. I’m naturally self-depreciating. I’m a scream of conciousness. A vat of syruppy goodness. It’s all the rage. We have a new flatmate. He is from France. Yesterday in the early evening there were two big clouds (dry-looking said Richie) side by side, and once or twice a minute they’d flash lightning all in one go or a fork all inside.

“…to be able to have an argument at all is a significant moral achievement…” [source]

In After Christendom Stanley Hauerwas says:

“I cannot think of a more conformist and suicidal message in modernity than that we should encourage fellow Christians to make up their own minds. That is simply to ensure that they will be good conformist consumers in a capitalist economy by assuming now that ideas are but another product that one gets to choose on the basis of one’s arbitrary likes and dislikes. To encourage Christians to think for themselves is therefore a sure way to avoid any meaningful discourse…”

Stanley Hauerwas and Noam Chomsky

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