Matthew Henry John Bartlett

+64 27 211 3455
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Wednesday 11 October, 02006

Just the stats

by Matthew Bartlett @ 10:07 am

Poem: ‘Hard Rain’, by Tony Hoagland
Jakob Nielson on web participation inequality

Following Nielson: On this blog over the last three years, the top 10% of named commentors post about 84% of the comments. The top three commentors post about quarter of the comments. The top 10% of commentors (in order) were me, Tim, Aaron, David, Richard B, Dan W, Matthew Baird, Deb, Daniel McClelland, Hans, Jono, John, Sam, Rich F, Dennis, Sambo, Rudy, Bryan, Kathy, D, Ben, Ange, RU and Lynton. There is some confusion about which Matthew/Matt is which. Lots of boys in there, eh? It would be somewhat interesting to do the same analysis for the last few months, but this took me 45 minutes to produce and you know Todd.

And you’ll be pleased to learn that the numbers on the last twelve months are: the top 10% of named commentors post about 48% of the comments. The top 10% of commentors were: me, Tim, Dennis, Sambo, Richard B, Aaron. Next few: Daniel McClelland, Matthew Baird, Hans, Rudy, D, Jono, Richface, a, Ben, Deb, Anabelle, Bel and James K. The curve is getting flatter, i.e. there’s less participation inequality than there used to be. Another blow for FREEDOM!!

24 responses to “Just the stats”

  1. Sambo says:

    I changed from Sam to Sambo at the end of last year. With my powers combined, do I obtain some kind of bonus points, proving further that there is something wrong with me?

  2. dennis bartlett says:

    is there doubt?

  3. Matthew says:

    Sambo, there is another Sam too, which confusors things.

    Dad, what about?

  4. david says:

    I’m actually surprissed that I’m not in that list. Dang it!

  5. Tim says:

    Meaningless info really because some of those commenters (like me) post a large number of (often hilarious) one-liners whereas others (like Aaron) tend to post few comments but they are far lengthier.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Hey Matt how many have i posted?

  7. Matthew says:

    Sorry David, yes you are on the list – fixed now.

  8. dennis bartlett says:

    re 3 “…..proving further that there is something wrong with me? “

  9. Sambo says:

    Yeah, I’m surprised you missed that, Matt.

    Dennis : Just because I am, as you put it, “a gollywog” it doesn’t necessarily mean there is anything wrong. Oooh, racist.

  10. Jono says:

    How can I possibly even accept the results in this latest AC Neilson-like survey without a margin of error?

  11. dennisbartlett says:

    my grandaughter’s best friend is a gollywog I think everyone should have one

  12. Sambo says:

    What? Like, as a slave!?

    I can’t believe the suggestions I am hearing here!

  13. dennis bartlett says:

    yep or mate

  14. I would recommend not getting too attached to your gollywog. Makes it very difficult when you need to put them down.

  15. Aaron says:

    I am determined to become the number one commenter on this blog so that I can eventually take it over in a cyber-coup and make it as cool as my blog.

  16. Aaron says:

    One thing your stats don’t account for is that quite a few comments are made by people other than certain people in the pretense that the people are those certain people. Like this one.

  17. Wahoo! I love this new statistical vogue that’s going down around town. It’s so… informative!

  18. Matthew Baird says:

    All hail the mighty statistics.

  19. david says:

    YES, I’m on the list. My life is complete.

  20. Bel says:

    um…yeah… sorry to be the nerd commenting on the poem instead of the stats BUT you know how I raved to you (the Bartlett) about Dean Young at lunch today?? well he is like best-poet-buddies with Tony Hoagland & they reference each other all the time and so forth – in fact the poem I was trying to tell you about has a Tony in it and its so gonna be your ‘Hard Rain’ Tony…
    I’ve posted it here… :)

  21. Bel says:

    um…yeah… sorry to be the nerd commenting on the poem instead of the stats BUT you know how I raved to you (the Bartlett) about Dean Young at lunch today?? well he is like best-poet-buddies with Tony Hoagland & they reference each other all the time and so forth – in fact the poem I was trying to tell you about has a Tony in it and its so gonna be your ‘Hard Rain’ Tony…
    I’ve posted it here… :)

  22. Bel says:

    SHAME look i posted twice accidently…do you stats account for n00bs doing munter things like that huh??! heeheee

  23. Bel says:

    SHAME look i posted twice accidently…do you stats account for n00bs doing munter things like that huh??! heeheee

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