Matthew Henry John Bartlett

+64 27 211 3455
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Monday 27 October, 02003

What i want

by Matthew Bartlett @ 8:32 pm

After skiing on Monday last week, we drove to Turangi to bathe in the hot pools. We stopped at the BP/BK for dinner. I had some sandwhiches left over that i hadn’t eaten on the mountain, so i ate them while the others ordered their meal. Someone had left a NZ Herald lying on the table i was sitting at, so i flicked through it. I read all the birth/death/marriage notices. One old lady who had died had about ten different obituaries addressed to her. I want to live a ten-obituary life.

2 responses to “What i want”

  1. if I can find 9 friends can we damage you eternally?

  2. I’ll write you.

    ‘Dear Matt,
    How’s Heaven? Please write back/haunt your brother.

    Daniel B. McClelland’

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