Matthew Henry John Bartlett

+64 27 211 3455
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Friday 27 October, 02006

by Matthew Bartlett @ 9:00 am

The Benedictine vow of stability
Augustine, love, civil servants, continence
Wikitravel world travel guide
Fr Richard Rohr on God vs. ego, speaking in Welly earlier this week

5 responses to “”

  1. dennis bartlett says:

    is that like staying in the denomination you were born in?

  2. Matthew says:

    (I can’t think of anything nice to say so I’ll shuddup)

  3. Martin says:

    “As one Mennonite church leader remarked to me concerning the impact of constant mobility on our congregations: “It’s getting so the Abrahamic thing to do is to stay put.”3

    I only read every second word of this article, so I might not get it, but I reckon that the above quote’s about not just moving to a different church/denomination when things get a bit hard, or different, or you don’t find the whole ‘church of your choice’ package to be conductive to your faith.

    Maybe do some pew sitting then sneak in and change one or two things maybe…….


  4. Matthew says:

    Yeah I agree. Also, being slow to quit a house/town/country.

  5. D says:

    Matt – thanks for that article. I’ve been wanting to read something on that subject from a Christian perspective for some time. Postmodern authors have made me much more sensitive and respectful of people who live in the same place all their lives and and build foundations which will last.

    I tend to think that unless biology takes its normal course I could conceivably never settle down. But I would have to confess if I was to do this that my well-being would be brought about (to no small extent) by other people whose way of living life was very different to mine (but that’s OK, I’m not Kantian!).

    I think in any given community it’s good to have a stable core and also a few people who drift and hang loose to help communities be exposed to the unfamiliar, the new, to help prepare for the coming of the other and just to keep life interesting… Communities which can’t cope with a certain openness tend to become deformed.

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