Matthew Henry John Bartlett

+64 27 211 3455
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Sunday 14 January, 02007

Kathy’s DVD Review Time

by kathy @ 5:48 pm

As a sort of light relief to debate on Climate Change and interpretations of scriptures I thought I would introduce ya’ll to Kathy’s DVD Review Time. Catchy, no?

I’m currently addicted to watching dvds. It’s fairly a indefensible pasttime, especially when used to help ones young child fall asleep but it does give me something to blog about and heaven knows it’s been too long. You will learn not to expect a measured, well thought out review. And the punctuation may be a little patchy. Apart from my main aim (to rant) I am hoping that if I commit to publicly reviewing every dvd I watch perhaps it will lift the tone of them somewhat. I am well known in our household as having the worst of all possible taste in dvds but you know, I aim to improve and perhaps this will help (I largely blame the pickings at our local United Video).

I have watched a couple movies this week:
A Room with a View – one of the more tedious movies I have ever sat through. Even Helena Bonham Carter is terribly stilted. The plot involves italian countryside, vaguely handsome man, eccentric old ladies and naked men froliking around a pond (though this is more of a welcoem diversion than anything to do with the plot). Sounds much better and more interesting than it is unfortunately. It just blows my mind that this movie was actually recommended to me by one of the few people I trust when it coems to these vital descisions. Perhaps the best thing about it was that it featured a Miss Bartlett. it’s always charming to have your name on someone else’s body (although in this case Miss Bartlett was a spinster aunt played by the not-too-gorgeous Maggie Smith) My flatmate had to walk out two thirds of the way through it. At one point we had a bet that if nothing happened in the next ten minutes we would switch it over to our other viewing option:
Luther-also to be avoided. So flat and lifeless. Even my dad says so. Funded by the Lutheran Film Society or somesuch it’s a silly piece of propoganda which would have you believe Luther was all good and the catholics were all dastardly devils. Joseph Fiennes as Luther came across a bit dotty and no self confidence whatsoever(perhaps it was that debilitating haircut?). If they got it right or even nearly right it makes you wonder how he started the Reformation. And why they would make a movie about him. Even my 22 month old was begging to turn it off twenty minutes in. “All done, Mama! Movie all done, turn off!” and so on. When will I learn to listen??

8 responses to “Kathy’s DVD Review Time”

  1. Maggie Smith is as gorgeous-er elderly lady as one could find, surely.

  2. Richard D. Bartlett says:

    Who would you have play you in a film, Kathy?

  3. richface says:

    I reckon Keisha Castle-Hughes would be good

  4. Kathy says:

    well, i guess keisha’s got that youthful thing and the curly hair. oh, and now she’s going to be an un-wed mother, why she’s practically born for the role!

  5. Oh Kathy… Oh Richface… I was more thinking a slimmed down Kate Winslet with curls and a hairdye. But, y’know, pick the 16 year old Maori girl.

  6. Matthew B says:

    It’s called taking pride in our nation. I think.

  7. Kathy says:

    oh swoon, kate winslet! and instead of slimming her down let’s plump me up, i’d hate to see someone diet on my account!

  8. Man. You guys just don’t know how to give a girl a compliment. Yeeesh. Kathy is a fair bit more slight, and thus the “slimmed down” comment. Matthew, I’d be back-pedalling away from the commenting board.

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