Matthew Henry John Bartlett

+64 27 211 3455
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Thursday 29 March, 02007

by Matthew Bartlett @ 10:52 am

fun in the House around s.59 yesterday

A meta-project I have started today is to see if I can get my book projects printed on FSC-certified paper.

6 responses to “”

  1. Tim says:

    What’s your stance on the Section 59 Bill, Matt? I reckon you’d be for it.

  2. Matthew Baird says:

    Geh. I don’t like at all the way that Labour seems to tout this bill as being a wonderful cure-all for child abuse.

    I also think it’s sad that the people running our country seem to get their kicks and spend their time making snide remarks about each other…

  3. Anonymous says:

    MHJB finds the situation in Darfur and our small aid budget more pressing

  4. Matthew says:

    Thanks Anon.

    I think the bill is a blunt instrument and that parents should be allowed to smack. I don’t know whether it’s true that s.59 is being used as a defence in abuse cases. If so it should be changed.

    I didn’t march because I don’t think it’s a good look for Christians to be jumping up and down for their rights.

    The point w/Darfur & small aid budget (NZ has promised to send at least 0.7% of GDP in overseas development aid but get anywhere near that) was that for those marches on parliament pretty much no one turned up who was there at this week’s march and I wondered why are those poverty/justice issues less urgent items.

  5. Tim says:

    Perhaps it’s the fact that we are pretty helpless in the fight against our intrusive government. We protest out of desperation because they just don’t listen to anything else. The povrety/justice issues are issues that can be resolved in other ways. Maybe.

  6. Richard D. Bartlett says:

    Entirely unconvinced

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