From Alasdair MacIntyre’s After Virtue [via], by which I make sense of my life:
In what does the unity of an individual life consist? The answer is that its unity is the unity of a narrative embodied in a single life. To ask ‘What is the good for me?’ is to ask how best I might live out that unity and bring it to completion. To ask ‘What is the good for man?’ is to ask what all answers to the former question must have in common. But now it is important to emphasize that it is the systematic asking of these two questions and the attempt to answer them in deed as well as in word which provide the moral life with its unity. The unity of a human life is the unity of a narrative quest. Quests sometimes fail, are frustrated, abandoned or dissipated into distractions; and human lives may in all these ways also fail. But the only criteria for success or failure in a human life as a whole are the criteria of success or failure in a narrated or to-be-narrated quest … A quest is always an education both as to the character of that which is sought and in self-knowledge.
It is making decisions with insufficient data and trying not to flee the results. “find a job with a purpose”
Listen to Karl Barth on the powers, freedom, Judaism, etc., etc.
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