Matthew Henry John Bartlett

+64 27 211 3455
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Wednesday 26 September, 02007

Love your Inuit neighbour as yourself

by Matthew Bartlett @ 3:34 pm

Guardian somewhat impressed with NZ’s climate change response [via Rob]

You may be interested to learn that another 900,000 km2 of ice melted since last time I mentioned it a month ago. For comparison, New Zealand is about 270,000 km2. The ice cover got down to 4.1 million km2, and seems to have reached its minimum for the season, and has broken the previous record minimum by 1.2 million km2.

Arctic ice extent at 16 Sept 2007 (left), and the previous minimum – 21 Sept 2005 (right)

What can you do? Steve Hatfield Dodds suggests writing to your MP or city councillor to let them know climate change is important to you. 42collective have eighty other suggestions.

4 responses to “Love your Inuit neighbour as yourself”

  1. richie_f says:

    Great news on this front — ice is making a real comeback in the north this year.

    See Although I note that there are fewer comparative pictures etc this time.

    At 31 October this year sea ice was at 9.27 million km2, which was an increase of 4.75 million km2 from the seven or so weeks from 14 September. This is about 17.5 times the size of New Zealand.

  2. richie_f says:

    Other good news — southern hemisphere sea ice levels are also slightly above average (although not as above average as they were last year [although the anomalously high level of antarctic sea ice was not very well covered in the media last year]).

  3. Matthew Bartlett says:

    Thanks for keeping this live, RF. Seems like just slightly good news, no? I can’t really tell, reading that article. North still apparently a ways below recent average:

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