Matthew Henry John Bartlett

+64 27 211 3455
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Monday 26 November, 02007

by Matthew Bartlett @ 8:49 am

Wattson shows how much electricity you’re using in real time
Another reason to boycott Chevron companies (such as Caltex)

Said Alexis de Tocqueville, in Democracy in America:

There is no philosopher of so great parts in the world, but that he believes a million of things on the faith of other people, and supposes a great many more truths than he demonstrates. … It is true, that whoever receives an opinion on the word of another, does so far enslave his mind; but its a salutary servitude which allows him to make a good use of freedom.

I went to a presentation on Simply Good Food, a community-supported agriculture scheme. I was impressed by their food, methods and philosophy. I wasn’t impressed that their membership fee is $500. That would be fine if I was buying into a co-op with that money, and getting a share of ownership in the operation, but that’s not how they roll. My $500 would help them cover the risk of starting a new venture, and only buy me the right to buy organic produce directly from SGF. So I hope some other group comes along and imitates their production and delivery scheme, but in a co-op structure.

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