Matthew Henry John Bartlett

+64 27 211 3455
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Sunday 16 March, 02008

Capture, sequestration

by Matthew Bartlett @ 8:55 am

NRT says MAF censored the state of the environment report
short summary of George Monbiot’s talk at the Embassy Theatre yesterday

4 responses to “Capture, sequestration”

  1. dennis bartlett says:

    on a totally unrelated topic but hopefully emabarasing none the less how come you greenis like party pills??

  2. Matthew says:

    I haven’t had any party pills. I think they’re bad. Are you referring to a particular policy or announcement from the Greens? (I’m not always very up with current news.)

    But on a totally unrelated but hopefully more important topic: Kudos to Keith Locke for seeking justice before cash in the China/Tibet situation, eh!

  3. dennis bartlett says:

    re the sheep drench yes the greenies voted last week in parliament against removing them (party pills) from sale. They seem a bit confused as to what is important what with the ‘obesity epidemic’and such It seems coke and pies are way more important.

    Re Mr. Locke I agree orgainse a march on Parliament I’ll be there

  4. kathy says:

    Dad, you’re in luck! There’s a protest organised for tomorrow evening – outside parliment at 5.30 pm. See you there?

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