Matthew Henry John Bartlett

+64 27 211 3455
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Monday 25 August, 02008

Which is bigger, π or the universe?

by Matthew Bartlett @ 10:39 am

Lollie wrapper (plastic), dried out parsley, banana peel, 2x A4 (r), lemon husk, foil chocolate wrapping, pear core.

4 responses to “Which is bigger, π or the universe?”

  1. dennis bartlett says:

    What are you Greenies going to do today re Emissions trading legislation?

  2. Matthew Bartlett says:

    I’m a. torn, b. lacking political nous and c. leaning towards ‘hold out for more’.

  3. dennis bartlett says:

    have a listen to Matthew Houghton and Lila Hare on Nat radio yesterday on 9 to noon.

    I reckon they should get away from labour being ‘friends’hasn”t achieved much yet

  4. the universe is at least 2r times bigger

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