Matthew Henry John Bartlett

+64 27 211 3455
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Monday 01 June, 02009

Mulled wine and expensive racism

by Matthew Bartlett @ 10:43 pm

This mulled wine recipe worked well for me. I used two bottles of $8 Timara Cabernet Merlot, lemons rather than oranges, and a bit more sugar than the recipe calls for. The cinnamon quills are pretty expensive – about $6 worth – but apparently reusable.

This Al Jazeera item on anti-Indian racism trouble in Melbourne lists Australia’s top three export earners: coal, iron ore, and international students. Who knew?

2 responses to “Mulled wine and expensive racism”

  1. richie_f says:

    Where are they exporting their international students and how much are people paying for them? Isn’t human trafficking illegal or something?

  2. Simon says:

    I’d like one too.

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