Pumpkin soup again
I made pumpkin soup again yesterday. Here’s the recipe I made up:
Get a pumpkin. Peel and cut into wee pieces. Boil in water. Fry up some red onion, garlic, fresh basil and cummin seeds (I’d add bacon too if I had some). Drain off the water when the pumpkin is soft. Chuck the onions and stuff in there with about a cup of milk. Add a load of curry and boil the crap out of it for a while. Done.
5 responses to “Pumpkin soup again”
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try sdding coconut cream or even sour cream before you serve. also garam masala and tumeric are winners
how did you get a piece of brian walsh??!!
i visited ‘friends of the earth’ (against free trade) yesterday, in the city. i don’t have dreads. i felt left out.
friends of mine brought him over for a seminar for Housing NZ or something, and thought it’d be good idea to have a meet’n’greet at their house woohoo.
i can’t imagine you with dreads. maybe you could get one of those rasta hats with the fake dreads attached for next time.
I’m glad u enjoyed the pumpkin you offered to me as payment for the train, and then took it back.
Casey, that was my pumpkin anyways. Matt has no right to give it away. Anyways, what sort of a lady would accept a single vegetable from a man as payment for a train ride? I mean.. seriously. sheesh.