Matthew Henry John Bartlett

+64 27 211 3455
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Friday 27 February, 02004

Happy anniversary, baby

by Matthew Bartlett @ 7:16 am

Today I have been blogging for one year. Fancy that. I would say that it has been a pretty much thoroughly worthwhile experience. The first post. This time last year there was a war on. And that was about all of the outside world (apart from a new album here and there) that made it into my posts.

4 responses to “Happy anniversary, baby”

  1. david says:

    you have come a long way indeed. It’s been a pleasant journey. Thanks.

  2. Anonymous says:

    the title is giving me warm fuzzies for whispering jack. thanks

  3. Sarah says:

    Hey! We almost share a blog birthday (mine was yesterday). Happy Birthday!

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