Matthew Henry John Bartlett

+64 27 211 3455
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Thursday 25 March, 02004

Mo’ problems

by Matthew Bartlett @ 6:46 am

I’m thinking of letting the beard return to keep Jennifer company. I’ve had the feeling for the last few weeks that shop keepers and people on the street are less friendly slash chatty when they behold the awexomeness of my upper lip. If apathy still reigns after a week or so of beard, it’s coming right off again.

5 responses to “Mo’ problems”

  1. huzzah!
    this means you are copying me this time! i am ahead by about 3 hours. woooo

  2. Deb says:

    Fab. Maybe they’re jealous.

  3. sternum says:

    maybe its cos you walk in there with premonitions of rejection and it shows on your face. the shopkeepers subsequently can’t help but treat you like a dirty mexican (called Sanchez).

  4. lynton says:

    Bring back the beard

  5. matt says:

    Tim: nope – I enter shops with beginner’s mind. Which reminds me, problem-solving is uber-Creative, on the edge/point of Quality.

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