Matthew Henry John Bartlett

+64 27 211 3455
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Sunday 30 May, 02004

by Matthew Bartlett @ 11:16 pm

Aaron’s weekend (feat. me)

One response to “”

  1. amy says:

    related to the comments about communism – an interesting quote from milan kundera’s most recent work:
    “Josef recalled a very old idea of his, which at the time he had considered to be blasphemous: that being a Communist has nothing to do with Marx and his theories. It was simply that the period gave people a way to fulfill the most diverse psychological needs: the need to look nonconformist; or the need to obey; or the need to punish the wicked; or the need to be useful; or the need to march forward into your future with youth; or the need to have a big family around you.

    In good spirits, the dog barked and Josef said to himself: the reason people are quitting Communism today is not that their thinking has changed or undergone a shock, but that Communism no longer provides a way to look nonconformist, or obey or punish the wicked, or to be useful, or to march forward with youth, or to have a big family around you. The Communist belief no longer answers any need. It has become so unusable that everyone drops it easily, never even noticing.”

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