Matthew Henry John Bartlett

+64 27 211 3455
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Thursday 28 October, 02004

New blog to watch

by Matthew Bartlett @ 7:36 am

I always enjoy Russell Brown’s program Mediawatch on National Radio when I manage to catch it. I was pleased to come across his blog yesterday. His post about Destiny Church is worthwhile reading.

UPDATE: A commenter below linked to this interesting video featuring MLK’s daughter at a Destiny Church conference.

10 responses to “New blog to watch”

  1. Ben Hoyt says:

    Don’t know about the Destiny Church (could be true), but you’ve gotta be real careful about internet slander. It’s incredibly easy to do, e.g., inet slander against Doug Wilson’s church by a couple of community loud-mouths.

    About Monday’s “Enough” march while I’m here: if anyone saw the Dominion coverage of it, it’s absolute bollix. As with all media, not so much lies as showing all the wrong stuff. They said nothing really about what the march was positively about. They quoted the Georgina Beyers and “Hate Freaks!” and “It’s Nazism!” people and no-one else to speak of. I’ve never been one for conspiracy theories, but after that kind of press you wonder. Anyone know what the TV coverage was like?

  2. Ben Hoyt says:

    Oops, Matt, I didn’t mean you‘ve gotta be real careful, I meant people (like Russel Brown) must be careful.

  3. Tim says:

    TV was similar. Showed lots of small children with a “this is no place for small children” type attitude. A contrast to the Hikoi march which appeared to be the perfect environment for babies.

  4. Tim says:

    I’ve read a similar story on Destiny. But would like to hear Mr Tamaki’s rebuttal.

  5. Yeah. I dunno. One of the worst images of christianity I’ve seen this year was being outside Destiny, and seeing a four year old going inside in a three-piece suit. To get a four year old into his shoes is hard enough, let alone into a tie, eight buttoned shirt, waistcoat etc etc. Imagine the childhood memories this kid will associate with church: “It’s a place I go after at least half an hour’s preparation, and where Mummy gives away ten percent each week”

    But two points of rebuttal against the Destiny haters…. I doubt any church has saved as many people this year. As far as I’m concerned, if people are meeting God via Tamaki Inc. then we should be overjoyed. Hopefully the love they find will make them thirst for more appropriate biblical knowledge from there.
    -But but…. who are we kidding? How many churches have we belonged to that had their own peculiar ‘spin’ on certain passages or – more horrifically – the Gospel? At least Destiny HAS kids coming to their church! Give a child a glass of water….

  6. Matthew says:

    We always used to dress up nice for church, and give ten percent. Those things aren’t bad memories for me.

  7. Tim says:

    Yeh, amen Matt.

    How do we know how many people have been saved through Destiny Church? Is it measured by how many people respond to the altar call?

  8. Bart says:

    Seeing as it is Friday the following should be good for a laugh:

  9. Ben Hoyt says:

    Yuck! A potent parody by sometime with sarcastic skill and a blasphemous brain, and with far too much time on his hands. Similar to Landover Baptist. Shocking!

  10. Visitor says:

    Check out this video. It has changed my view. Destiny Church now have my fill support!

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