Matthew Henry John Bartlett

+64 27 211 3455
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Tuesday 21 September, 02004

WIT Bible Symposium

by Matthew Bartlett @ 6:18 pm

Saturday 16 October the Wellington Institute of Theology is holding a symposium ‘Approaching the Bible’. Tim McKenzie (who wrote that letter I posted a little while back) is one of the speakers. The topics look really interesting: “The idea of revelation in a post-modern culture: The revelatory role of story & the history of God as one who reveals”, “Scripture in Christianity and Islam: a comparative study of the role of sacred scripture, tradition, and the principles of interpretation” and “Fundamentalism: the word and the phenomenon”. Download the full programme [50k PDF] if you like.

2 responses to “WIT Bible Symposium”

  1. Aaron says:

    that sounds very good

  2. david says:

    I may be interested…

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