This week
This week EPR reminded me I must get a drum kit again before too long. This week I got my last salary pay. This week I finished Tom Wolfe’s From Bauhaus to Our House and Greg Egan’s Schild’s Ladder. This week I laid out my first book of (someone else’s) poetry. This week an old sailor told me to acheive something with my life. I asked him if he had any ideas about what I should acheive. He said, “Have children and grandchildren. They’re a pain in the neck sometimes, but you get real joy from them too.” This night I read this poem by Cameron Hockly:
and maybe after all this time./ all these e pidemics of losing friends/losing lovers/lo sing our favourite red shoes/ our glasses/ we may have to face the fact that/we can lose things within us/ things we thought we re firmly secured/ places we called home/ m emories we could only go so long without / referring back to./ and if we have to face the reality of this /then we can quit pretending that we have/ never been the lost child/ never missed a t rain/ or disappeared from everything that w e knew familiar./ but the thing is-/ we are all so slow to a cknow;edge this loss/ and it's not until we have walked / back through warm doorways / or put on worn out clothes that we can admi t/ and even then- only very quietly/ that we have been far, far away //
2 responses to “This week”
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Man that’s a great poem. That boy’s got talent.
Who is this man. I wish for more.