Matthew Henry John Bartlett

+64 27 211 3455
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Tuesday 26 October, 02004

Memory Graft

by Matthew Bartlett @ 6:26 am

There are times when I remember you
At the beach by the pier
In a broken down summer
That stretched on for years
I remember the laughter
I remember the waves
And I wish that I could just
Cut it away

Tsunami has washed me
Past the breakers
That broke me
Now I am alone at sea
With memories for company

Matthew Baird

8 responses to “Memory Graft”

  1. Matthew says:

    G L Phillips says, “You know sometimes when I hold you in silence I listen real close, then I hear you talking to my soul.”

  2. Tim says:

    Is M Baird’s poem up for criticism?

  3. GLP says:

    I know it aint half of the story
    I’m only meaning to ask: what would it take to coax Mr Baird to laugh?

  4. dan says:

    Does Mr Baird write lyrics for ‘Jimmy Eat World’?

  5. richface says:

    ha! that’s a dis if ever there was one. i actually find Mr Baird thoroughly lyrically engaging.

  6. Matthew says:

    I kinda like JEW’s lyrics.

  7. richface says:

    oh i hadn’t picked up that jimmy eat world is an acronym for jew. i guess i should have given all those zionist allusions in their lyrics.

  8. dan says:

    Ah – neither had I, richface.
    Hmmm…. interesting.

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