Matthew Henry John Bartlett

+64 27 211 3455
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Saturday 30 October, 02004

Burqa, chador, &c.

by Matthew Bartlett @ 6:10 am

— from Veils and veiling in Muslim countries, which I became interested in after reading a post of Aaron’s. Here is a somewhat-related article from Naomi Wolf which I first came across a year ago today.

One response to “Burqa, chador, &c.”

  1. Ben Hoyt says:

    Saw mainly hijahs and chadors in Sudan, though some of the more Westernised Muslims and the Southern Sudanese blacks don’t wear a veil. The Sudanese women are very beautiful, and they dress colourfully. Franci currently wears a fairly simple hijah; the locals respect it, and she is treated better. If you’re white, they assume you are American, Christian, and morally loose. An indictment, I guess.

    As for the French banning veils in public schools, I think it’s consistent. I also think it’s consistent stupidity.

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