Matthew Henry John Bartlett

+64 27 211 3455
email me

Tuesday 19 April, 02005

by Matthew Bartlett @ 12:48 pm

I’ve recently finished Ngati Toa School’s website.

15 responses to “”

  1. Hans says:

    Kudos to Bartlett Projects. Looks Good. Are you well?

    Pax Vobiscum

  2. dan says:

    Thats grouse bro. Big ups.

  3. Aaron says:

    Dunno matt. There’s something about the fonts or layout or something that doesn’t do it for me. Can’t put my finger on it.

    I like other of your work, though.

  4. Aaron says:

    also, the “batlett projects” link goes back to this blog. Was that your intention?

  5. yep, till I make a proper BP page or site.

  6. Ben Hoyt says:

    Matt, looks good, clear and simple and nice. Some minor things (perhaps in order of importance):

    * red left-hand sidebar looks jiggery and yucky in Opera

    * the vision statement on the About Us page looks yucky in IE and Opera.

    * visited links are hardly visible, I reckon the body text links should be underlined

    * maybe first-line indent in Ngati Toa story could be about 1.5 to 2 times as big?

  7. Anonymous says:

    Jubilee spelling needs correcting

  8. Thanks, anonymous angel.

    Thanks Ben, I shall attend to those allgood points.

  9. dan says:

    Nice markup!
    I’m not sure whether Ngati Toa school are concerned about being found by search engines, but some keywords and a description might not go astray.

    A Doctype and character encoding information would make it easier for user agents; add a few ‘alt’ properties for the images and you’ll have valid HTML documents.

    Since you’re already using an innerbox and an outerbox, you can add the ‘shadow-top.gif’ and ‘shadow-bottom.gif’ images as CSS background images, moving them from the markup into the presentation.

  10. Matthew, just checking you got my email regarding your site design?

  11. Sam says:

    Dear Ben, your primary issue with viewing the Ngati Toa site is that you use IE and Opera. The ‘yucky’ bits are the browsers themselves.

    Dear everyone else. Where are your websites?

  12. IE is important for me to get right, Opera not so much.

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