Matthew Henry John Bartlett

+64 27 211 3455
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Thursday 23 June, 02005

by Matthew Bartlett @ 5:46 pm

ECO Annual Conference — 24-26 June — programme

7 responses to “”

  1. Tim says:

    One word for you, Matt. It begins with ‘hip’ and ends with ‘py’.

  2. Sam says:

    Hip pie? Mercy, thats very cannibalistic Tim.

  3. Hey Tim, shuddup, at least they’re trying!
    & anyway,
    look at the bloody programme – It’s not even slightly hippy!

  4. Tim says:

    I know, but I felt compelled to comment and it was the only thing I could think of. The empty comment box is so irresistable. Plus, criticising other attempts to clean up the environment makes me feel better about the things I don’t do.

  5. Tim says:

    By the way, does it strike you as ironic that the Forest and Bird guy is called Kevin HACKWELL?!

  6. Enviroment Pollut'o'r says:

    Hippies shouldn’t swear Matt. Not once, and not at all twice.

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