The kingdom of heaven is like the Karori Wildlife Sanctuary.
…o y’know, it’s a wellspring (like Te Puna Karaiti). It’s a safe place in there. Special care in one particular place with benefits overflowing to the surrounds. Where I live in Brooklyn we’re like one or two hundred metres away from the fence. I guess the tui who hang around here daytimes go home there to sleep at night. It’s also a picture of way things ought to be, could be everywhere. I think it’s a flawed picture – humans there are visitors, not natives, we go home at night, but maybe that’s something addressed further down the track in the 500-year plan. This is a bit of a stretch, but like Micah 4, it’s also somewhere people make pilgrimage to, to learn how to live aright.
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Oh dear. Do explain please, Matt.
You’d have to visit.
I agree, matt – i had very similar thoughts.
It’s a place where may things seem put to rights.
Justice reigns.
Also, they have a 500-year plan.
funny, i was thinking along those very same lines Matt. I have been entirely uplifted and inspired by my visit there.
Cannot be compared.
Thankyou for your helpful contribution Sam. For your consideration:
The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed…
The kingdom of heaven is like yeast…
The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field…
The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls…
The kingdom of heaven is like a net…
The kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house…
exactly what I was thinking RDB
Anyway matt, i’ve been there and it didn’t inspire me. What did i miss, if you please?
I was talking about the wildlife sanctuary, boy. Nature pwnz.
I try to visit about four times a year, and have done so since 2002. Our family had a membership pass for a while, which got me and a pal in for free. I used to barge through it, all upons to find kiwis, and even take my Discman, but I soon learnt to stroll and listen to the trees. Quite nice.