Matthew Henry John Bartlett

+64 27 211 3455
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Thursday 15 September, 02005

by Matthew Bartlett @ 12:57 am

Trial run election @ TradeMe

21 responses to “”

  1. jono says:

    Ahh, encumbent? – ??????? (?? ???????????, ?????).
    but incumbent! – ‘Holder of a Benefice, chairman of the vestry.’

  2. !, crikey, my mistake indeed. you comin?

  3. jono says:

    Yip ill come along!!! Itll be gr8

  4. Tim says:

    Jono, you’re supposed to be attending the post match rugby function.

  5. Dan says:

    That TradeMe poll doesn’t have a ‘None of the above’ option.

  6. you’re right dan, they should have an option called “I’m going to waste my vote”


  7. jono says:

    Tim, I was of the understanding that the post rugby match function was immediately after the game? (this could perhaps turn out to be one of the big misunderstandings of the day)

  8. Tim says:

    In fact, the biggest misunderstanding of all time. Apparently there is a BBQ dinner/beer/party at a flat somewhere. Now bearing in mind the EFT (estimated finishing time) of the game (12pm), is it likely we will be having dinner straight after the game? Answer: Not really.

  9. jono says:

    OK, well hopefully can fit both in. Keep us posted!

  10. seriously though, the population of TradeMe users is not a very fair sample of the voting population. I’d be suprised if National weren’t in the lead on a capitalism-in-action website.

  11. jono says:

    So how would a non-capitalism-in-action website work? Like, oh ill give you my computer if you give me a tinny?

  12. jono says:

    Not that I am saying that TradeMe is a fair representation

  13. richface says:

    Matt at your party are you going to have TV coverage of the election results?

  14. Aaron says:

    genius, jono

    matt are you aware of the rival party? Although I have to say you win the invitations war

  15. Richface, yep.

    Aaron — I’m aware of two rival parties.

  16. there is also a continual party ‘in my pants’, to which you are all invited.

    there is, sadly, no tv coverage of this event, however.

  17. Aaron says:

    and in a shock announcement, I’m considering voting Green

  18. Sambo says:

    Way to start this crap all over again, Aaron.

  19. I already doned my votes. Holed up in a special election booth, and I considered how ‘special’ is also used in the context of special needs kids. I’ll be making movies, sorry.

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